Board Policies
The unofficial copies posted here are intended for reference only. This is not a complete list of Gravenstein District policies. Official copies of board policies are kept on file at the District Office at Gravenstein School and are open to public view during normal business hours (Monday - Friday, 8 AM-4 PM).
"BB" stands for Board Bylaw. "BP" stands for Board Policy. "AR" stands for Administrative Regulation. The Board Policy typically describes the general policy for the District, while the Administrative Regulation outlines the more detailed methods to administer and enforce the policy. A Board Bylaw outlines internal rules that the Board has established for its own conduct.
In some cases there is only a Board Policy or Administrative Regulation on a particular subject but not both.
Policy Name | Policy Number |
2016-17 Highlighted Accomplishments | |
Nondiscrimination in District Programs | BP 0410 |
School Plans / Site Councils | BP 0420 |
Charter Schools | AR 0420.4 |
Charter Schools | BP 0420.4 |
Comprehensive Local Plan for Special Education | AR 0430 |
Comprehensive Local Plan for Special Education | BP 0430 |
Local Control and Accountability Plan | AR 0460 |
Local Control and Accountability Plan | BP 0460 |
Policy Name | Policy Number |
Superintendent Responsibilities and Duties | BP 2110 |
Superintendent Governance Standards | BP 2111 |
Superintendent's Contract | BP 2121 |
Evaluation of the Superintendent | BP 2140 |
Administrative Discretion Regarding Board Policy | BP 2210 |
Policy Name | Policy Number |
Budget | AR 3100 |
Budget | BP 3100 |
GASB 54 -- Fund Balance | BP 3101 |
Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies | AR 3270 |
Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies | BP 3270 |
Bids | AR 3311 |
Contracts | BP 3312 |
Claims and Actions Against the District | BP 3320 |
AR 3350 BP 3350 |
Management of District Assets / Accounts | AR 3400 |
Tobacco-Free Schools | AR 3513.3 |
Tobacco-Free Schools | BP 3513.3 |
Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan | AR 3516 |
BP 3516 |
Facilities Inspection | AR 3517 |
Facilities Inpsection - Notice Regarding Mentrual Products | E 3517 |
Business and Noninstructional Operations | BP 3540 |
Transportation for School-Related Trips | AR 3541.1 |
Transportation for Students with Disabilities | AR 3541.2 |
Transportation for Students with Disabilities | BP 3541.2 |
Food Service Operations - Cafeteria Fund | BP 3551 |
Free and Reduced Price Meals | BP 3553 |
Free and Reduced Priced Meals | AR 3553 |
Policy Name | Policy Number |
Site Selection and Development | AR 7150 |