The Gravenstein Union School District welcomes parent volunteers. We believe student learning is more likely to occur when there is an effective partnership between the school and the student's parents, community and family.
Hillcrest and Gravenstein Schools welcome parent visitors and volunteers. The safety and security of our school community is a top priority at GUSD. For your protection and that of our students and staff, GUSD requires a background check and tuberculosis test on all volunteers and mandatory fingerprinting for overnight chaperones. Additionally, for regular volunteers (16 hours or more per month, or 32 hours or more per year), proof of completion of Mandated Reporter Training is required. If needed, GUSD can provide this training at no cost.
If you plan to volunteer in any of our schools, you will need to visit you school's office and complete a volunteer form and a background check.
Differences Between a Visitor and Volunteer
A visitor is anyone who is coming to school for general activities with their student. A visitor DOES NOT need to pass a full background check. Classroom visitors may be asked to provide a valid ID. All volunteers must sign in at the main office.
A visitor can:
- Attend awards programs for their child and parent involvement events and before and after-school activities (visitor sign in may be required for these events).
A volunteer is anyone who wishes to supervise children other than their own during the school day and at school-related activities. A volunteer DOES need to pass a full background check and will need to complete a GUSD Volunteer Form.
A volunteer can:
- Chaperone or supervise other children during on-site and/or off-site school activities.
- Chaperone or supervise other children on a school bus.
Other Ways to Get Involved
- Parent Association: Join the GUSD Parent Association
- Donations: Financial donations are always welcome and help pay for enrichment costs at Gravenstein schools.
- Decision-Making Committees: The district and each school has opportunities throughout the year for you to be part of a committee and/or focus group (examples include Site Council, District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC), Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB), gardening, drama performance, promotion activities, and more). If you are interested in volunteering, please contact your child’s site principal.