Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging (DEIB)
On September 2nd, 2020, the Gravenstein Union School District Board unanimously passed the Racial Justice, Equity and Inclusion resolution to declare that the lives of Black students matter and that the lives of all of our students of color matter.
GUSD is proud to present our video on Racial Justice, Equity, and Inclusion. Students, Staff, and Board members collaborated to create this video statement.
To stay up-to-date on upcoming DEIB events, check out our weekly Monday Messages.
"To be culturally effective doesn't mean you are an authority in the values and beliefs of every culture. What it means is that you hold a deep respect for cultural differences and are eager to learn, and willing to accept, that there are many ways of viewing the world."

- Social Justice Standards
- Beyond the Golden Rule
- Reading Your Way to a Culturally Responsive Classroom
- Cultural Competence Self Assessment
- What is Race
- Origin of Race in this Country (Video)
- Understanding Race
- Children are not Colorblind: How Young Children Learn Race
- Color Blindness: The New Racism
- Let’s Talk about Race: Racial Identity Development
- Teaching Young Children about Race
- Multicultural Awareness Activities
- Diversity- Activities to build an inclusive school community
- Facing History Ourselves
- 10 Anti Racism Books for Educators
- Bias Free Language
- Anti Bias Tools
- K-12 Anti Bias Lesson Plans
- Social Justice Book Lists
- Recommended African American Kids Books
- Multicultural Kids Books
- Teaching Tolerance
- Baylor University's Online EdD Program - How to Provide a Multicultural Education
- Latinx Education Collaborative - Hispanic Heritage Month Toolkit
- Teaching Students How to Respect Cultural Diversity
- BrainPop - Civil Rights
- BrainPop - Martin Luther King Jr.
- BrainPop - Asian-American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
- BrainPop - Lunar New Year
- BrainPop - Black Lives Matter Protests
- BrainPop - American Indians
- BrainPop - Trail of Tears
- BrainPop - Jackie Robinson
- BrainPop - Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
- BrainPop - Anne Frank
- BrainPop - Elie Wiesel
- Resources for talking to Children about Racism
- Two Types of Bias
- Cultural Competence Self Assessment
- Colorblind Ideology is a form of Racism
- Why Colorblindness is not the right approach to Race (Video)
- Race and Racial Identity
- Why Lead with Race
- Racial Equity Alliance
- Talking Race with Young Children
- Systematic Racism Explained (Video)
- BLM Resource Library
- How to choose outstanding Multicultural books
- 25 books to diversify your kids reading lists
- 10 Tips to talking to kids about Racism
- Five ways to reduce racial bias in your children
“One of the essential, bedrock skills and understandings children can have is how to live in a world that is as pluralistic, diverse, multicultural and inequitable as our world is. And that has to be an underpinning for every kid if they’re going to survive and thrive.”
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