Hillcrest Middle School dances and special activities are held throughout the school year.
We announce specific dates both at school and through our weekly “Monday Messages” newsletter. These events are exclusively for current Hillcrest students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, with the Graduation Dance specifically for seventh and eighth graders.
To ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable time, please note the following details:
- All dances and activities are open only to current HMS students.
- Please arrange for prompt pickup after each dance.
- Admission fees apply to cover costs and support student activities.
- Each grade level is kindly asked to contribute refreshments for one dance.
Students will not be eligible for a dance if they fit into any of the following categories:
- Any student absent from school the day of the event
- Any student who has received 3 or more Administration-assigned lunch detentions during the trimester in which the activity is held or the next event
- Any student who has been suspended (in school or out of school) during the trimester in which the activity is held or the next event
- Any student owing money from lost books, instruments, sports uniforms, etc. at the time the event occurs
- Any student attending Gravenstein Community Day School during the trimester in which the activity is held.