At Hillcrest, students can choose from two types of elective options: the Elective Wheel and Year-Long Electives.
Elective Wheel
Choosing a Wheel elective means your class will change each trimester.
Wheel 1:
- Coding
- Life Skills
- Art Appreciation
Wheel 2:
- Video Production
- Maker Lab
- Music Appreciation
Year-Long Electives
Choosing a year-long elective means you will have the same class for all three trimesters.
Course Descriptions
Elective Wheel Courses
Students will explore a variety of media as they continue to build their skills in drawing, painting, graphics, calligraphy, and sculpture. Theory is introduced to further elaborate upon ideas about color, perspective, and design. The class discusses artists, artwork, and provides technique demonstrations to develop the four strands of art education: art appreciation, art history, art production, and art criticism; as well as problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
This course covers topics such as programming, physical computing, and data. Students engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem-solving, and fun. The course inspires students as they build their own websites, apps, games, and physical computing devices.
This elective is all about becoming your best self and starting to learn those ‘adult world’ skills that we’ve been wishing schools taught! Learn all about ‘How To…’ take care of yourself and others, say things right, make edible food, take care of your clothes, interview for jobs, read maps, save, spend and make money responsibly, and more!
In Music Appreciation we will examine the popular music of a series of decades and explore how that music connected with the time period and culture in the United States at that time. Each Grade Level will focus on a different set of decades. We will attempt to answer the following essential questions through daily listening, decades presentations, projects, and activities:
- What style of music was popular at this time?
- Who were some of the popular artists and their songs?
- What was going on in the world and our country at this time?
- How did people listen to music?
- What was the fashion of this time?
- What inventions or other firsts came during this decade?
- How does music connect to your life?
Students will be introduced to the fundamental concepts behind engineering and robotics and learn design thinking to iterate and improve ideas. They will learn to program robots as well as design them and be introduced to using three dimensional computer aided design (CAD) to design objects and 3D print them. Using Hillcrest’s 21st Century Maker Lab, students can use devices, such as the Laser Cutter and Vinyl Cutter to bring their imagination and creativity to life!
Students will have an introduction to a variety of programs and applications, including movie making (writing, filming, editing, producing), digital art/animation, stop-motion animation, virtual reality and graphic arts. Students will explore concepts including script writing, graphic design, movie making (filming/editing/producing iMovie), tech crew (cameras, music, sound, graphics), news anchor and so much more!
Year-long Elective Course Descriptions
Open to Grades 7 & 8 with Maker Lab experience or with Pre-Approval from the Teacher
This class is for students who want to continue building on the skills learned in the Maker Lab Wheel class. Students will advance their abilities in design thinking to iterate and improve ideas, design and program robots, use three dimensional computer aided design (CAD) to design objects and 3D print them and utilize the Laser Cutter and Vinyl Cutter within the Hillcrest Maker Lab to bring their ideas to life!
Teacher determines eligibility.
Open to Grades 7 & 8 with AV/DM experience or with Pre-Approval from the Teacher
This class is for students who want to continue building on the skills learned in the Video Production Wheel class. Students in the advanced class will further explore the learned programs and applications, including movie making (writing, filming, editing, producing), digital art/animation, stop-motion animation, virtual reality and graphic arts. Students will prepare and produce Hillcrest’s weekly news broadcast, including script writing, graphic design, movie making (filming/editing/producing iMovie), tech crew (cameras, music, sound, graphics), news anchor and so much more!
Limited Space Available. Teacher determines eligibility.
Open to All grade levels
This class is open to both students who have played an instrument or who are interested in starting to learn to play an instrument! A wide variety of music is performed throughout the year. The music ranges in degree of difficulty to both challenge the students and acquaint them with the many stylistic approaches used by composers in traditional and contemporary music. Students learn to play in both an Orchestral and Marching Band format.
Students will be placed into the appropriate class by the instructor, based on skill level. If a student is between skill levels, an audition may be needed to determine the appropriate class.
Open to All Students
Students receive support in organizational and planning skills to aide in their completion of homework and review of content for their other classes. Students have an opportunity to work on homework and ask for help with learning course material before going home.
Interested students should mark that they are interested in an Academic Support Class on their elective survey.
Open to All grade levels
Drama class offers students a basic introduction to the world of theater. Students will develop skills in pantomime, voice projection, improvisation, stagecraft, and drama production. We will read a variety of plays every week, from folktales to Shakespeare. Students will perform in one or more plays.
Open to Grades 7 & 8
Students explore Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” through a range of classic and modern literature, and various film genres. The class delves into how authors and directors approach their subjects and how the choices they make impact the difference between the book and the movie. Students will learn about the considerations behind various elements of film-making such as: camera angles, lighting and color, composition, editing, and sound design. Come explore the history of movies, movie musicals, horror films, film comedies and much more!
Open to All grade levels
Jazz Band is now being offered as an elective during the school day (not a zero-period)! Join a band and learn the style of jazz! This band performs not only at school events but also off-campus. All wind instruments + guitar, bass, piano and drums welcome. Prior experience reading music preferred.
Open to All grade levels - Application Required
Students will receive both theoretical and practical training in leadership skills such as goal setting, team building, communication, problem-solving and decision-making. The course is designed to integrate leadership skills with practical applications. This includes planning activities such as dances, rallies, lunchtime activities, special events and community services.
Limited Space Available. Leadership Team determines eligibility.
- Leadership students must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA and have no disciplinary events.
- Students must have completed a Leadership Application to be considered for the class.
- 6th Grade Leadership Application: Just make it your 1st or 2nd choice!
- 7th/8th Grade Leadership Application: Click here!
7th/8th Grade Candidates must also complete Leadership Tasks as part of determining eligibility, as detailed in the 7th/8th Grade Leadership Application linked above.
Open to All grade levels
Spanish class aims to teach students to communicate thoughts, needs, and wants through listening, speaking, and writing in a foreign language. Interact and learn through conversations, stories, music and songs. Utilize technology for a variety of listening, reading, and research activities. The program hopes to instill an appreciation and understanding of cultural traditions.
Students will be placed into the appropriate class by the instructor, based on skill level. If a student is between skill levels, an interview may be needed to determine the appropriate class.
Open to Grade 7 & 8 Students - Application Required
Student supports the teacher within the classroom or office, through helping with a variety of tasks such as organizing, grading, timekeeping, helping students, or preparing materials. Tasks will vary based on the needs of the classroom or office.
- A minimum 3.0 GPA is required to be considered for a TA position.
- All interested students MUST submit a Teacher’s Assistant Application to the front office.